Blog engine for
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 20:01:00 in
Tech stuff
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I've been looking for some simple static blog engine and stumbled upon WadcomBlog by Vlad Skvortsov.
What I liked about WadcomBlog:
- Static files! It smoothly integrates with my existing XML-based engine. No need
to run any extra server-side software.
- Simple and minimalistic design. Easy to learn and modify.
- Written in Python.
- RSS support.
What I didn't like:
templating. I already have other more powerful Python templating engines on
my laptop. Why would I use EZT? After all, there is Buffet. It requires
setuptools though.
- Directives inside entry body. On the one hand,
entry is in RFC 2822 format
which is nice, on the other hand, entry body includes processing directives
in HTML comments.
All in all it took just a few days to start my own blog based upon
heavily modified WadcomBlog without breaking Not bad!