Mon, 09 Aug 2010 12:50:00 in Tech stuff | permalink
I my previous post I wrote about the technological things I love, and this time I am going to make a new addition to that, Haskell.
Haskell is a very interesting language. It even seems somewhat alien to a person with background mostly in imperative and declarative programming languages like yours truly.
But this isn't something that makes this language different from other technologies I have seen. I can't say I do or will admire it becuase it still remains mostly unknown to me, and I think one has to grok a piece of software to discover and enjoy the beauty of its cleverness if any.
Nevertheless, today I have found out one thing about Haskell that makes it seem cooler to me. Haskell is self-hosted. That also means it bootstraps itself from the groundup every time it is statrted.
I sure need more of that Haskell stuff!